Writing Tools for 1880s-1890s Manuscripts


Before typewriters were in use, clear and skillful cursive handwriting was a source of pride, and necessary for good communication. Comfortable pen holders with interchangeable steel tips to dip into nearby ink founts or bottles were the prevailing technology for writing though the last half of the nineteenth century. A talented “copyist” was expected to issue clear, hand written documents for business and government, and even after practical typewriters were available, important missives were sometimes still transcribed with flowing cursive.

Remingon, full color

But typewriters did make a steady march to acceptance. An expert in early typewriters, Martin Howard credits the Remington Model 2 as the first practical machine. The sturdy Model 2 was offered from 1878 until the first part of the 1890s, when new features were required.

Spend some time wandering the halls of Martin Howard’s virtual typewriter museum, online here:  http://www.antiquetypewriters.com/

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These images are used with permission of Martin Howard, http://www.antiquetypewriters.com/



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